Raj Costume Ideas

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Just when critics were calling the American sitcom dead in the water, along came a program that turned that idea upside down on it’s head.  In 2007, the world was introduced to four of the most unlikely characters to ever appear in a television program.  Three of the characters have doctorate degrees in astrophysics and one has a Master’s Degree in engineering. They are inept with women, love all things nerdy, and on most levels, cannot relate to others very well.  Each character has his own quirky flaws.

But put the all together with a lot of clever writing, and you have The Big Bang Theory. Now in it’s sixth season, the show is like a fine wine…it is only getting better with age. While many programs “jump the shark” to stay alive, inventing implausible scenarios for it’s central characters, Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady keep developing the unique characteristics of the seven leads.  

One of the more unusual characters is Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali.  

Fun Facts About Raj

Although Raj grew up in India with servants, and is the son of a wealthy gynecologist, he likes to tell people he came from poverty and worked his way to where he is today. His friends quickly take him down a few pegs when he tries that shtick.

The most outstanding (former) characteristic of Raj is his total inability to speak to women he finds attractive…unless he is inebriated.  This called selective mutism.  At the end of season six, Raj an non-intoxicated Raj spoke to Penny about his lack of love life, whom he has never said a sober word to before.

The drinking is a problem for Raj because as much as he speaks inappropriately when he is sober, he is even worse when he is drunk.  Now he is cured from that problem.

Because he had been so unlucky in love, Howard and Bernadette decided to get him a dog as a companion. He treats his Yorkshire Terrier, who he named Cinnamon, like royalty.

Raj Costume Ideas

Just like his friends, Raj lacks a certain common sense, and totally lacks fashion sense. It seems the more he mismatches, the better!  Plaid and florals are a staple in his closet, which he coordinates with cargo pants. (What does he keep in those pockets, anyhow?) 

And who thinks the sweater vest is ever going to come back in style?

Like his cohorts, Raj wears layers upon layers of clothing…probably to hide his insecurities. The crew is full of them.

Raj is a fan of cargo pants.  They are both comfortable and casual, which is appropriate in his line of work.  This pair comes in several colors and has a comfortable stretch.

The shirts Raj wears are bright and colorful, not like a Hawaiian shirt, but you can't miss him in the hallways of CalTech.

Yes, the argyle vest is still around, and this one comes in 9 different shades.  You can pick any one to mismatch with your printed shirt.